
Wednesday 18 November 2009

Slow uptake by B2B brands on Social media & SEO. It's time for change!

Today I am tasked with finding which B2B companies are making the most their online potential. Who is actively focusing on SEO, who has launched a social media campaign? I don't expect to find too many.

We have been to see a lot of B2B companies recently and found that the majority of them know that they should be involved in SEO and social media but, because they don't know where to start, many of them keep putting any activity off. Twitter and Facebook are perceived as being a teenage playground where no real business is done, and LinkedIn is just seen as a networking tool with no function in brand building or lead generation.

In our experience this is not true. The fastest growing demographic on Facebook is the over 35s; the average age on LinkedIn is 41 and 49% of users are the business decision maker. Twitter is a great networking and lead generation tool if used correctly as there are so many industry experts, journalists and thought leaders using it everyday.

With all of these sites it is about using them, familiarising yourself with how they work and then trying to fight through the noise to create you own little feed of relevant information where you can join or start a conversation. This video that I saw a few weeks ago is now high up the viral video rankings and clearly demonstrates that social media cannot be ignored any longer.

Monday 16 November 2009

Bored of the same old Xmas do? Try this...

Awkward conversation, dirty jokes, cheap wine and getting too drunk in front of the boss. These are often things associated with the work Christmas party. If you can't face another evening of karaoke or a lame pub quiz then it may be time to forward this link to your boss:

I spotted it on Delicious today when I was adding to my bookmarks. It looks like a bizarre and unforgettable experience, and definately one that would leave an impression. Imagine holding your next client meeting suspended over the Thames, or your Xmas do hanging next to St. Paul's! I think it would be fantastic.